parts of gate valve

Basics of Gate Valves

Basics of gate Valves: Gate valve is a linear motion manual wheel, pneumatic, hydraulically actuated on/off service valve. The gate valve outnumbers other valve types

How Stabilizer Protects Electric Devices?

How Stabilizer Protects Electric Devices?-Stabilizer is most useful for stabilizing the voltage. The stabilizer keeps the voltage within the operating range of the electrical equipment

definition of Cv

Cv and Kv Relationship

Cv and Kv relationship are very important for valve sizing and fluid flow rate. The flow coefficient Cv is the valve flow coefficient. Flow coefficient Cv and its metric unit Kv are useful for measuring the valve capacity. In other words, Cv and Kv is a useful parameter for calculating the size of the valve and fluid flow rate. The other names of the flow coefficient are the valve capacity constant or valve flow coefficient

magnetic field produced by a magnet

Difference Between Magnetic Field & Magnetic Flux

The major difference between the magnetic field and the magnetic flux is that the magnetic field is the region in which moving charges and poles experience a force. In comparison, the magnetic

pH scale

How to calibrate pH Electrode?

Importance of pH Electrode Calibration The pH measurement accuracy depends on how accurate the calibration of electrodes. The calibration of the pH electrode is very

Magnetic Flux lines

What is Magnetic Flux? Definition & Properties

The current flows in an electric circuit. In a same way, the flux flows in a magnetic circuit. Flux is thus analogous to electric current. The Greek letter Phi or Phi suffix B is its symbol. Its symbol is Ø and  Øm.

control valve classification-based on motion

Classification of Control Valves

Classification of Control Valves: We can classify the Control valves based on the application, function, motion, port size, and failure states. According to the classification