types of transformer losses explained

Types of Losses in a Transformer

This article describes different types of losses in a transformer, including Iron Losses, Hysteresis Loss, Eddy Current Loss, Copper Loss, Stray Loss, and Dielectric Loss.


NGR Full Form in Electrical

NGR full form is the Neutral Grounding Resistor, which is used in the electrical system to protect the transformer and generator. As the name suggests,

Binary Adder in Digital Electronics

Binary Adder in Digital Electronics

Binary Adder in a digital circuit does the arithmetic sum of two binary numbers supported with any length. The binary adder is implemented using logic

Fixed Temperature Heat Detectors

Fixed Temperature Heat Detectors

Fixed temperature heat detectors are devices that are used for detecting heat in a particular area. They are usually placed in a fixed location, for

what is static grounding?

What is Static Grounding?

The static grounding discharges the static charge build-up and protects the equipment from damage. Static electricity is the imbalance in electrical charge either positive or