Rate Compensated Heat Detectors

Rate Compensated Heat Detectors

Rate compensated heat detectors initiate an alarm when the surrounding air temperature reaches at a predefined level, irrespective of the rate of temperature rise. Heat

What are Linear Heat Detectors?

What are Linear Heat Detectors?

Linear heat detectors detect only heat. They do not detect smoke. On the other hand, a fire alarm system consists of detection devices that detect

4 Most Common Types of Temperature Sensors

4 Most Common Types of Temperature Sensors

The 4 Most Common Types of Temperature Sensors are NTC thermistors, RTDs, Thermocouples, and semiconductor-based sensors. These sensors for temperature are used for monitoring and

Rate of Rise Thermal Detectors

Rate of Rise Heat Detectors

Rate of rise heat detectors is a type of heat detector that responds when its element sense the increased temperature of thermal energy of a

Liquid in Glass Thermometer

Liquid in Glass Thermometer

The Liquid in glass thermometer is widely used for measuring temperature. Temperature is defined as the degree or intensity of heat that is present within