How Do Infrared Thermometers Work? 

How Do Infrared Thermometers Work? 

We will discuss the working of infrared thermometers in this post. The infrared thermometer is an instrument that measures the temperature of a hot object

thermocouple compensation cable

What is a Thermocouple Compensation Cable?

The thermocouple compensation cable is the bridge between the thermocouple and the transmitter transmitting the temperature signal. We will discuss thermocouple compensation cable in this

thermocouple burnout detection

Thermocouples Burnout Detection

Thermocouple burnout detection is very important for ensuring no tripping of the plant if the thermocouple sensor opens. The thermocouple has two dissimilar materials joined

NAMURE NE43 standard

What is NAMUR NE 43?

NAMUR NE 43 is a standard that defines the operating AO-LL and AO-UL values. The transmitter outputs a 4-20 mA current. However, as per NAMUR