phase fault protection

Phase Fault Protection

Phase fault protection is used for protection of induction motor. The protection relay trips the motor in the case of fault. We can call the

What is Winding Factor?

Definition: Winding Factor is the product of the Distribution factor (Kd) and the coil span factor (Kc). The main purpose of  the winding factor is

what is through fault?

What is Through Fault?

Through fault occurs outside of the protective zone. In other words,occurrence of the external faults outside of the equipment protective zone is called through fault.

what is transmission line?

Classification of Transmission Line

Classification of the transmission line is based on the voltage, length of the conductor and, types of current flow. We use the transmission line for

How Stabilizer Protects Electric Devices?

How Stabilizer Protects Electric Devices?-Stabilizer is most useful for stabilizing the voltage. The stabilizer keeps the voltage within the operating range of the electrical equipment