corona power loss

Corona Power Loss Calculation

Peek’s formula and Peterson’s formula is used for corona power loss calculation. Due to corona effect, the loss of power in the transmission line is

inductive reactance calculator

Inductive Reactance Calculator

The inductive reactance calculator is a tool to calculate the reactance of the inductor. The reactance phenomenon happens with an alternating current. The inductive reactance

unit of inductance

What is the Unit of Inductance?

Unit of inductance- self-inductance and mutual inductance- is Henry, abbreviated as H. It is named after the American physicist Joseph Henry. Most electrical coils have

capacitive reactance calculator

Capacitive Reactance Calculator

The capacitive reactance calculator is a tool to calculate the reactance of the capacitor. The reactance phenomenon happens with an alternating current. The capacitive reactance

off delay timer working

Off Delay Timer Working Principle

Off delay timers have wide applications in the field of automation and control. The timer is an electrical device that controls the operation of the