test setup of insulation resistance test

Measurement of Insulation Resistance

What is Insulation Resistance Test or IR Test? The Insulation Resistance Test measures the Insulation resistance of a device under test, while phase and neutral

How to Calculate NGR Resistance Value?

What is NGR? NGR-Neutral Grounding Resistance. NGR limits the ground fault current to the equipment’s safe operating current range to protect all the electrical equipment.

Polarization Index Test and DAR Test

The polarization index test is a 10-minute to 1-minute ratio test of insulation resistance. Similarly, the DAR test is a 60-second to 30-second insulation resistance

energy efficient motors

Energy Efficient Motors

Energy efficient motors are the most economical because these motors have higher efficiency than conventional motors like EFF-1 and EFF-2. The economic production of the

What Is Voltage Unbalance?

Definition of Voltage Unbalance as per NEMA: The voltage unbalance is defined as the maximum deviation from the average of three-phase voltage or current, divided