Definition of Induced EMF-When current in a coil changes, the flux changes. The flux links to a coil’s turns. The linking flux to the turns of the coil induces EMF. This EMF is called Induced EMF. The statically induced EMF and dynamically induced EMF are two types of induced EMF
The other names for Induced EMF are induced electromotive force, electromagnetic induction, and electromotive force induction.

The more the rate of change of flux, the more the induced EMF.
Types of induced EMF
It is possible to induce EMF in two different ways; that is by statically or by dynamically induced emf.

STATICALLY INDUCED EMF generates when both coil and magnetic field system are stationary at the same time. The flux links to the coil without physical movement of the coil and magnetic field system. The examples are inductor and transformer.
The change in flux that links to a coil happens due to a change in electric current in the field system.
There are two categories of the STATICALLY INDUCED EMF. These are;
- Self-induced electromotive force
The EMF induces in the coil due to the change of flux linking with its own turns - Mutually induced electromotive force
The EMF induces in the coil due to the change of flux produced by another coil, linking with it.
In dynamically induced emf, if the field is stationary the conductor is moving, and if the field is moving conductor is stationary. In the DC generator usually, the coil rotates and the field remains in the stationary state, but in the AC alternator usually, the field rotates and the coils are stationary. Thus by following either of the above processes, the conductor cuts across the magnetic field causing induced EMF in the coil.
Applications Of Induced EMF
The following equipment utilizes the induced EMF principle.
- Generators
- Galvanometers
- Transformers
- Motors
- Inductors